I realize that I just don't blog enough. There is so much to say sometimes that I feel it may become repetitive and erroneous; however I will say that I am getting accustomed to life here and it is a good thing. The last few weeks have held so many surprises that I don't know where to start. It has consisted of the following:
- luncheons with ladies in beautiful Palestinian villages
- my first nargileh - peach flavoured that is
- setting up a bank account - with surprisingly no hassle
- buying oodles of Palestinian and Chilean wine
- discovering a fish and chips shop in Ramallah
- taking a road trip to buy a ham sandwich
- getting a private tour of a tiny olive oil press in the old city
- spontaneously going to the opening of a women's film festival
- visiting Mahmoud Darwish's memorial at night
- drinking proper cappuccino at Cafe de la Paix
- rushing to Jerusalem after a busy day to meet with friends from Italy
- realizing that all the kids who wear the keffiyeh here actually deserve to
- running into a parade of boy scouts in Al Manarah square - complete with horns and drums
- discovering that my washing machine cleans my clothes with dirty, black water - hence defeating the entire purpose
- walking on the streets of Ramallah breathing in the smell of falafel and nargileh - such a glorious combination
- visiting beautiful Nablus for the day - and spending it in an office full of men who smoke and drink Arabic coffee far too much
Well I don't know what some of the words you used mean, but it sounds wonderful! You honestly took a road trip for a ham sandwich - how American of you :) Your world sounds fabulous!