A couple of the amazing views in Jordan!
On Wednesday I went to Little Petra which is about a 15-20 minute drive north of Petra. Little Petra is as its name suggest a smaller version of the various tombs and homes carved into the rock walls of the nearby, more famous Petra. I was accompanied by 3 local boys who although I told that I didn't need guides, decided to follow me regardless. They took me up to one cave that contained an ancient painting that was being renovated by 2 hardworking people from France. We then made our way up a narrow passage of stairs that would take me to a fabulous view of the valley and surrounding area. I then shared bedouin tea with my new friends and after a couple of hours of exploration headed back to Wadi Mousa where I met up with Hamza and his friends who had prepared for us to spend the night in the desert.
On Thursday we woke up early and hoisted ourselves back into my car and continued heading north on the road that runs along side the Dead Sea. I have to say that the Dead Sea is much more beautiful on the Jordanian side than the Israeli side. It is much greener and picturesque. We winded our way up into the mountains and through Madaba and then back down just south of Amman. We then stopped at a horse ranch because Ahmed was looking to secure a purchase on one of the horses. For the citizens of Wadi Mousa horses make up a huge part of their life and the therefore the choice of horse is of high importance. After the business deal we headed back down to Wadi Mousa where I crashed for the night after an interesting night in the desert and day on the road.
The next day I adventured in the area around Wadi Mousa. Near to Petra is an old 12th century fortress that sits high above the valley. I had to do some climbing to get there, but it was well worth it as there was not a person in sight and the structure of this place was amazing. It was only me, the broken down fortress, and the village of Wadi Mousa in the distance. After a decent morning of hiking and climbing I relaxed the rest of the day by reading and spending time in the local restaurants and coffee shops. My all-time favorite drink of this area of the world is "asir limon wa nana" -- fresh lemon juice with mint. Holy lord... it is delicious and ridiculously refreshing. That and "chay wa maramiya" -- tea with sage. I never thought that I would like the combination of plain tea with sugar and fresh sage... but it is now my favorite hot drink.On Saturday, my last day in Jordan, I got up early and headed back to Aqaba. The roads in Jordan are very well patrolled by speeding cops who sit on the sides of the road with their white SUVs and radar guns. At some point I was flagged down by one even though I knew I was not speeding. I thought, oh great I got a speeding ticket in Jordan... nice! However when the policeman came over to my window I realized that he actually wanted a ride. So him and another cop got into my car and off we went. They were very friendly although they knew very little English we were able to communicate and have a bit of a laugh. They kept calling their friends who knew English well and had them talk to me and then translate what I said to them. I dropped them off near the turn off to Wadi Rum.
After the 4 hour bus ride to Jerusalem I had to take a taxi to the East Jerusalem bus station to catch the last bus home to Ramallah. When my taxi driver found out that I was going to Ramallah he told me how bad it was and how "no good" the people were. I just told him "maybe to you, but to me Ramallah and the people there are nothing but good." When I got on the #18 the bus driver bought me some tea to keep me warm while we sat and waited for the bus to fill up with people. I found out that he lived in Ramallah and I kept thinking to myself, "yeah this person who bought a total stranger tea must be no good."